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Counter presentation and counter equipment for butchers - delicatessen- catering- partyservice - gastronomy
Your Countertop is your centerpiece in sales. Step by step to the perfect top
Every countertop is different: Content: Delicatessen, Sausages - Meats, Cheese, Fish or Sweet Stuff Usage: Monday - Sunday, BBG-Season through Autumn till Christmas Form: straight - angulated - round arch Counterdepth: every notable Manufacturer builds its own „Counter“ Location: Food Truck - Store - Salad Bar - Hotel - Diner
Our Know How: We know everything about the presentation area, the right products and the software for your countertop layout. Upon request, we can establish contact with presentation consultants.
Method: Measurement: We visit your Establishment to obtain the necessary dimensions. Or you could measure it yourself and send them to us, maybe accompanied with a photo. In the ideal case your counter manufacturer can send us the draft of your countertop via e-mail as a „.dwg“-file.
Planning: We create a grid plan at the beginn-ing, i.e. we occupy the countertop with standard trays to five us a first overview. From here on we are in continual dialoge, progressing into the detailed planning. The better the feedback, the more percisely the result is aligned to your demand. In the picture on the right you can see how we can work in dialogue. In the lower row is our first grid suggestion - upper row your ideas .
Detailed planning: The areas will be defined: e.g. 2m meat, 3m sausage, cheese, delicacies, changes of quantities, variety or product groups. For practical implementation we will visit your shop, even after closing time when the countertop es being cleared and reoccupied.
Your Benefit: Individual layout of the countertop according to your needs and wishes! Changes during operation can be made quickly and easily by phone, even after years because your countertop layout is stored in our database. Most of the products are available in our own warehouse. Shipping several times a week. The area utilization of „historic-lived“ countertops will be increased.
Thekenplan Stephan Kruis, s.kruis(at), Fon +49 (0) 7026 600833
Home Home  Home Tradeshow Tradeshow About us About us
Your Countertop is your centerpiece in sales. Step by step to the perfect top
Every countertop is different: Content: Delicatessen, Sausages - Meats, Cheese, Fish or Sweet Stuff Usage: Monday - Sunday, BBG-Season through Autumn till Christmas Form: straight - angulated - round arch Counterdepth: every notable Manufacturer builds its own „Counter“ Location: Food Truck - Store - Salad Bar - Hotel - Diner
Our Know How: We know everything about the presentation area, the right products and the software for your countertop layout. Upon request, we can establish contact with presentation consultants.
Method: Measurement: We visit your Establishment to obtain the necessary dimensions. Or you could measure it yourself and send them to us, maybe accompanied with a photo. In the ideal case your counter manufacturer can send us the draft of your countertop via e-mail as a „.dwg“-file.
Planning: We create a grid plan at the beginn- ing, i.e. we occupy the countertop with standard trays to five us a first overview. From here on we are in continual dialoge, progressing into the detailed planning.
Detailed planning: The areas will be defined: e.g. 2m meat, 3m sausage, cheese, delicacies, changes of quantities, variety or product groups. For practical implementation we will visit your shop, even after closing time when the countertop es being cleared and reoccupied.
Your Benefit: Individual layout of the countertop according to your needs and wishes! Changes during operation can be made quickly and easily by phone, even after years because your countertop layout is stored in our database. Most of the products are available in our own warehouse. Shipping several times a week. The area utilization of „historic-lived“ countertops will be increased.
Thekenplan Stephan Kruis, s.kruis(at), Fon +49 (0) 7026 600833
The better the feedback, the more percisely the result is aligned to your demand. In the picture above you can see how we can work in dialogue. In the lower row is our first grid suggestion - upper row your ideas.
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Counter presentation and counter equipment for butchers - delicatessen- catering- partyservice - gastronomy